Singing Mamas

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Singing Mamas is all about making YOU feel good. There are no auditions, no solos, no reading music. Just simple songs taught by ear. Your leader, Danielle, will sing the songs line by line and the group will echo it back, until everyone knows it off by heart. Young children are welcome to play quietly in the middle of our circle, and we always make time for a cuppa and some cake. 

Singing Mamas is a safe space for women to sing and be together. All voices are welcome and no experience is necessary. Women of all ages are welcome to attend with or without children – the idea is to create a supportive space for new mothers but not everyone has to be a mum.

 A free taster ticket is available to try out a session before you commit. If you wish to join the group after your free taster, you will need to purchase the Singing Mamas monthly membership for £38 which will then enable you to book on to all sessions in a month.

Click here to book!



  • Where to find us

    Every Thursday from 19th September 1:30pm  – 2:30pm at Yoga Reading,
    3-5 Cremyll Road, Reading, RG1 8NQ.

    Find out more
  • About Singing Mamas

    There are many groups running across the UK, helping hundreds of women to connect through the beauty of song sharing.

    Find out more